G R Randy Akin, PC

Car Accidents Resulting in a Brain Injury

Oct 8, 2018 @ 12:27 PM — by Greg Burton
Tagged with: Car Accident Brain Injury

Millions of people in the United States suffer from brain injuries each year. A brain injury can occur any time that the head is jolted or struck, or any time an object penetrates the skull.

While there are many potential causes of a brain injury, statistics suggest that roughly half of reported traumatic brain injuries are the result of an automobile accident. Car accident injuries can lead to physical and emotional pain and suffering, as well as costly medical expenses. This is especially true when a catastrophic injury, such as a brain injury, is involved.

Victims of car accidents resulting in a brain injury should work with Longview, TX attorneys Randy Akin and Greg Burton to help them obtain just compensation for their losses.

Types of Brain Injuries

There are many different types of brain injuries that can occur as the result of a car accident. The type of brain injury that a person suffers will depend on how the head or brain was struck or jolted during the collision.

Although each type of injury differs slightly, all of the following are classified as traumatic brain injuries:

When to Seek Treatment

Unless an accident victim suffers from a penetration injury, it may not be immediately obvious that that brain has been injured. Unfortunately, the effects of a brain injury may worsen if a patient does not receive treatment in a timely manner.

We recommend that all car accident victims see a doctor as soon as possible to ensure that they are not suffering from a traumatic brain injury or other internal injuries. If immediate medical care was not sought, go to the doctor at the first sign of brain injury symptoms.

Some of the most common symptoms of traumatic brain injury include:

Compensation for Damages

Brain injuries often require extensive medical care, and many injury victims deal with the effects of a brain injury for the rest of their lives. Insurance companies usually fail to take this into account when offering an accident settlement, and they do not consider the physical and emotional pain and suffering associated with a brain injury.

Attorneys Randy Akin and Greg Burton work hard to help brain injury victims obtain compensation for the full extent of accident damages. Their experience and expertise can prove invaluable in the aftermath of a car accident resulting in a brain injury.

Learn More

If you or a loved one is suffering from a traumatic brain injury following a car accident, experienced attorneys Randy Akin and Greg Burton are here to help. Contact us at your earliest convenience to discuss the details of your case. Call (903) 297-8929 to learn more about your legal options.