G R Randy Akin, PC

Personal Injury and Chronic Back Pain

Sep 15, 2020 @ 02:04 PM — by Greg Burton
Tagged with: Spinal Cord Injury

When someone is injured in an accident, they may suffer a wide range of physical, emotional, and financial losses. With proper treatment, many injuries heal, leaving accident victims to resume their normal lives free of pain or discomfort. Unfortunately, many others deal with the long-term consequences of their injuries.

One of the most common long-term symptoms of a personal injury is chronic back pain. Personal injuries resulting in chronic back pain can significantly impact a person’s quality of life. When working with clients in Longview, TX, and surrounding areas who are suffering from chronic back pain, personal injury attorney Randy Akin carefully considers any future losses they may incur so that he can recover adequate financial compensation for the full range of their damages.

When Is Back Pain Considered Chronic?

There are various types of injuries that can result in back pain. In many situations, back pain is short-lived and resolved in a matter of days or weeks. However, the muscles, tissues, and bones of the back and spinal cord can be damaged to the point that pain and discomfort lingers.

Generally, back pain is classified as chronic if it persists for three months or more. Chronic back pain can be consistent, or it can come and go in waves. Many of our Longview clients experience a temporary relief from symptoms only to have back pain flare up again.

Treating Chronic Back Pain

Unless a back injury requires surgery, there is often not a “cure” for the issues that cause chronic back pain. Instead, medical professionals often recommend several different treatment techniques, which may include:

The goal in treating chronic back pain is to manage symptoms and restore some degree of comfort and function. This often requires a combination of treatment techniques, many of which must be repeated periodically.

Damages in Cases Involving Chronic Back Pain

Our clients may suffer from chronic back pain for months, years, or even the rest of their lives. When attorney Randy Akin is handling a personal injury case that involves chronic back pain, he works with medical professionals to get the most accurate prognosis for his client’s injuries. This allows him to seek a financial settlement that best accounts for all the unique damages that may stem from chronic back pain, such as:

Get in Touch

If you’ve been involved in an accident that has resulted in chronic back pain, you may be due financial compensation for present and future losses. To discuss your case with personal injury attorney Randy Akin, send us a message online or call (903) 297-8929 to schedule a personal consultation.