G R Randy Akin, PC

What to Do After a Car Accident When the Other Driver Braked for Deer

Nov 12, 2021 @ 11:30 AM — by Greg Burton
Tagged with: Car Accident

Drivers in Longview, TX, know that deer can pose a serious hazard on the road. Deer often emerge without warning, leaving drivers with little time to react. Worse, they may cause other drivers to have to react fast, which can make it difficult for others following behind them or around them to avoid a serious car accident.

What should you do after a car accident when the other driver braked for deer? A lawyer like Randy Akin of G.R. (Randy) Akin, PC can help. Consider these steps below.

1. Report the Accident

Regardless of the cause of the accident, you should always report any accident involving property damage or injury to the police. When the police arrive at the scene, they will take a statement from both you and the other driver regarding what led to the accident.

Offer an accurate assessment of the events that led to the accident, including any livestock or objects in the road. Answer the police officer's questions honestly.

2. Seek Medical Attention (Even If You Do Not Think You Need It)

Many times, car accident victims think they did not sustain serious injuries, but discover later that they actually more serious injuries than they initially thought. Even the effects of a concussion or broken bones can be difficult to detect due to adrenaline or the general feeling of anxiety that often accompanies a car accident.

A trip to the doctor can save you a lot of trouble later. Not only does it serve to diagnose your injuries so you can get treatment more easily, it can make it easier for you to prove exactly when your injuries took place. This could prove critical if you need to file a personal injury claim after your car accident.

3. Talk to a Lawyer

If you had an accident with a driver who stopped abruptly in front of you, you may want to talk to a lawyer. Do not talk to your insurance company or the other driver's insurance company until you have discussed the accident with an attorney and have a better idea of what might come next. Often, a lawyer will provide a better look at liability for the accident.

If you rear-ended the other driver, you may bear liability due to driving too close, even though the other driver braked very abruptly to avoid a deer. However, in some cases, the other driver may bear liability for the accident:

The other driver swerved to avoid the deer and ended up careening into your lane

The other driver lacked adequate tail lights, making it impossible for you to tell that the vehicle had stopped

The other driver engaged in reckless or dangerous behavior that contributed to the accident

An attorney can help evaluate the conditions that led to your car accident in the Longview area. The attorney can give you a better idea of your next steps, including how to communicate with the insurance company and whether you may have grounds to file a personal injury claim for any injuries you sustained during the accident.

If You Need a Lawyer, Contact Us Today

If another driver stopped abruptly to avoid a deer, you may need a lawyer to help you determine your next steps. Contact G.R. (Randy) Akin, PC online today or call (903) 297-8929 to schedule your consultation.