G R Randy Akin, PC

Can I Sue for a Car Accident Caused by Snow or Icy Road Conditions?

Jan 26, 2023 @ 04:58 PM — by Greg Burton
Tagged with: Car Accidents

If you were in a crash because of snowy or icy roadsyou could potentially file an accident lawsuit. The liable party in the case could vary, however. In some cases, another motorist may be liable for the crash, while in other cases, a local government or municipality may be liable. This is why it’s important to speak with a qualified car accident lawyer as soon after your crash as possible.

The team at G.R. Akin, P.C. in LongviewTX, can help you seek compensation for property damage, injuries, and other losses sustained in the collision. Below are some basics you need to know.

Situations in Which You Can Sue for Icy Road Accidents

Here are the two most common situations in which you could potentially sue someone for causing an accident on an icy road.

Reckless Driving During Poor Road Conditions

It’s always a good idea to drive carefully in bad weather and when road conditions are not optimal. If someone else on the road drives too fast, fails to put chains on their tires, and/or disregards the rules of the road, they could be held liable for any injuries or property damage they cause.

Negligent Road Maintenance and Signage

When another motorist isn’t responsible, the road itself may be the reason for the crash. In these situations, there may be maintenance issues that result in water pooling in certain parts of the road and freezing. There could also be an issue with inadequate signage on the road that could assist with safe driving.

For crashes caused by road conditions, the local governing body may be liable since it is their responsibility to ensure safe conditions on the roadway.

Other Potential Liable Parties

Sometimes failures by the makers of auto parts or vehicles could contribute to a crash on a winter highway or road. In these cases, there would be issues with defective snow tires or chains, or even failures of a vehicle’s braking or steering systems.

In these instances, automakers and other vehicle companies could be held liable for causing an accident or insufficient mitigation of injuries or dangerous conditions.

How an Auto Accident Lawyer Can Help

If you were in a serious motorcycle crash or car accident, you must seek legal representation. Here’s what a lawyer can do for you:

Contact Our Longview Law Firm

If you or someone you care about was injured in a car crash on an icy road, contact our personal injury lawyers. Our Longview team can review your case and help determine the best legal option for you moving forward.