G R Randy Akin, PC

Do Uber Passengers Injured in a Crash Have Legal Options?

Jan 14, 2024 @ 12:11 PM — by Greg Burton
Tagged with: Car Accidents

Rideshare vehicles are everywhere nowadays. That’s great for getting around for nights on the town and flights, but it has also contributed to more car accidents in and around Longview, TX. If you happened to be in an Uber or Lyft at the time of an auto collision, you might be wondering about taking legal action.

The attorneys at G.R. Akin, P.C. would like to cover some of the basics when it comes to rideshare crashes. This should give you a better idea of your legal options as a rideshare passenger.

Can an Injured Uber Passenger Sue After a Crash?


If you were a passenger in an Uber, Lyft, or other rideshare vehicle and were injured in a crash, you can file an injury claim.

What Damages Can Be Sought After a Rideshare Accident?

During a personal injury lawsuit to seek damages, you can attempt to win compensation for medical bills, vehicle damage, ongoing physical rehabilitation, lost earning potential, and changes in quality of life.

For the family members of a passenger killed in a rideshare wreck, you can file a wrongful death lawsuit for a fatal accident. In these cases, you can also seek damages to address funeral costs, grief counseling, and the pain and suffering associated with losing a loved one.

Who Can a Passenger Sue After a Rideshare Accident?

The party responsible for causing the car crash can be held legally liable for any injuries sustained. That could include any of these parties below.

The Rideshare Driver

The driver of the Uber or Lyft may be legally liable for the accident if they were distracted, inattentive, fatigued, speeding, or reckless.

The Other Motorist Who Caused the Crash

If another driver was responsible for the accident, you can sue them for their reckless and negligent beahvior while operating their vehicle.

Third Parties Who Contributed to the Crash

Sometimes additional parties may be liable for the crash. This includes automakers who made a defective vehicle or vehicle component, as well as local municipalities or road authorities who did not repair a pothole or malfunctioning traffic light.

The Rideshare Company Itself

If the rideshare company hired a driver who has a history of crashes or other moving violations, they may be liable for that decision. The same is true of Uber or Lyft keeping a rideshare driver who has a history of causing auto accidents.

How Our Lawyers Can Help

Rideshare crashes can be complicated, which is why you need the help of our Longview personal injury and wrongful death lawyers. We can assess your case and give you a better understanding of your options moving forward.

Our legal team can help negotiate a better settlement for you with insurance companies. If your case goes to trial, we can present evidence against the negligent parties to help secure damages.

Request a Legal Consultation

For more information about your legal options after a rideshare crash, contact G.R. Akin, P.C. in Longview. Our lawyers can answer any questions you have and help determine your best course of action.