G R Randy Akin, PC

How Contingency Fee Representation Works and its Benefits to Clients

Mar 29, 2024 @ 11:25 AM — by Greg Burton
Tagged with: Personal Injury

You may have heard about lawyers who work on a contingency fee basis. In fact, our law firm here in LongviewTX, offers our services on a contingency.

It’s not a term you hear a lot, so you may wonder how contingency fee representation works.

The skilled East Texas personal injury lawyers at G.R. Randy Akin, P.C. would like to go over the basics of contingency fee representation and how it can help you.

What Does it Mean When a Lawyer Works on a Contingency Fee Basis?

Contingency representation means that an attorney receives no upfront payment or charges an hourly rate for their legal services.

An attorney working on a contingency fee basis only gets paid if he or she can negotiate a favorable settlement out of court or win a civil trial with a jury award. The lawyer’s payment is a percentage of the final settlement or jury award.

If the attorney is unable to settle the case or cannot reach a favorable court outcome, the client does not have to pay anything.

To put it succinctly: with contingency fee representation, clients don’t pay their lawyer anything unless their lawyer wins.

How Contingency Representation Helps Clients

There are three advantages to working with an attorney who offers legal services on a contingency fee basis.

1. No Worry About the Financial Burden of Legal Fees

Legal cases can take a long time to resolve. In fact, there are some lawsuits that stretch on for years. If you owed an attorney an hourly rate for their work, you could potentially spend six or seven figures for that long-term counsel.

Contingency fee representation allows you to save that money you’d spend on legal services. Instead, that money can be used to pay your bills and try to go about your day normally.

2. Eliminates Some of the Risks of Pursuing Restitution

There is no guarantee that your case will go your way. Juries may rule against you in a civil case, meaning you’d spend all that money on a lawyer for nothing.

Thanks to contingency fee representation, you don’t feel like you’ve wasted your time seeking restitution. A bad outcome in court, while disappointing, will not cost you anything financially.

3. A Chance to Even the Playing Field

Contingency fee representation allows working people in Longview to receive high-quality legal representation without worrying about the cost. This helps level the playing field in court when dealing with companies, municipalities, rich individuals, or corporations.

Skilled lawyers like ours won’t be intimidated by money or power. We’re here to do what’s right and to fight for people like you.

Our Law Firm Also Offers Free Case Reviews

In addition to contingency representation, our law office also offers free initial consultations. That means you don’t have to pay anything at all just to discuss what happened with a seasoned personal injury attorney.

This is just another way we can reduce the financial burden on working families and injured people across East Texas.

Contact Our Personal Injury Attorneys

If you or a loved one experienced an injury and need to speak with an attorney, contact our law office in Longview, TX. We are here to listen and offer our insight on your legal options.